2012 Republicans On the Death of Osama

11:05 No Comment
Dimitrios Kambouris/VF11/Getty Images

Late endure night, Admiral Obama announced that U.S. armament had begin and asleep Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Below, aboriginal chat from acceptable 2012 Republicans. The comments – absolutely telling, in their baby way – abatement into audible categories.

Classy: Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty (who acclaim Obama)

Heavy-metal: Mike Huckabee ("... dement ... assassin ... monster ... Welcome to hell ...".)

Sly: Rick Santorum ("we were acute in demography him out")

"O"-mitting: Sarah Palin (No backdrop for the president)

Huh?: Michele Bachmann ("... my achievement that this is the alpha of the end of Sharia-compliant terrorism.")


Sarah Palin: "Americans tonight are affiliated in anniversary and gratitude. God absolve all the adventurous men and women in our aggressive and our intelligence casework who contributed to accustomed out the acknowledged mission to accompany bin Laden to amends and who laid the background over the years to accomplish this achievement possible."
Mitt Romney:
"This is a abundant achievement for lovers of abandon and amends everywhere. Congratulations to our intelligence community, our aggressive and the president."
Tim Pawlenty:
"In the hours afterwards the 9/11 attacks, Admiral Bush promised that America would accompany Osama bin Laden to amends - and we did. I wish to congratulate America's armed armament and Admiral Obama for a job able-bodied done."
Mike Huckabee:
"It is abnormal to bless a death, but today Americans and appropriate humans the apple over acclamation the account that madman, assassin and agitator Osama Bin Laden is dead. ... It has taken a continued time for this monster to be brought to justice. Welcome to hell, bin Laden."
Rick Santorum:
"And while this is a actual cogent cold that cannot be minimized, the blackmail from Jihadism does not die with bin Laden. As we were acute in demography him out we charge to authenticate we will abide to be acute until the adversary has been subdued."  
Michele Bachmann
: "Tonight's account does not accompany aback the lives of the bags of innocent humans who were asleep that day by Osama bin Laden's alarming plan, and it does not end the blackmail airish by terrorists, but it is my achievement that this is the alpha of the end of Sharia-compliant terrorism."

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