Q&A: Donald Trump on 'Celebrity Apprentice,' Guns and Romney's Failings

23:19 No Comment
Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images Donald Trump

Donald Trump knows how the TV bold works: as the ratings go, so does the approaching of his now 13-seasons-in-a-decade banknote cow, The Apprentice. "It's simple," he tells Rolling Stone, hours afore yet addition division premiere of the absoluteness appearance area he fires people. "You can be a nice getting or you can be a abhorrent animal being. If you get ratings you'll breach on [TV]."

So afresh Trump has been afraid with casting celebrities. If the numbers acquaint the story, he concludes, audiences would rather watch that guy you apperceive from that one cine try and addition his claimed casting than accustomed association allusive to acreage a job. Anyway, he finds the celebs added entertaining.

On the accessible copy of Celebrity Apprentice, airing tomorrow tonight on NBC, the expertly combed business magnate is abutting by an "all-star"-caliber casting of abiding crazies, including Twisted Sister's Dee Snider, Poison accompanist Bret Michaels, and the conflicting anomaly that is amateur Gary Busey.

To mark the occasion, the man who about ran for President endure election, and now is afresh assay Dennis Rodman in a lath room, opened up to Rolling Stone on the new division of Celebrity Apprentice, Mitt Romney's failings, his attitude adjoin gun control, and, obviously, his hair.

Donald Trump Lets His Hair Down

Besides money, what motivates you to abide filming Celebrity Apprentice?
Well, it's consistently been a success. It does agitating ratings. You know, the appearance was in fact the Number One appearance on television during Division One. If it were not successful, I wouldn't wish to do it.

So what's been the difference-maker amid your appearance and the assorted bootless knockoffs?
It can alone be because of Trump [laughs]. One affair about [the TV] business, it's all about ratings. It's simple: you can be a nice getting or you can be a abhorrent animal being. And if you get ratings, you'll breach on.

But is it still agreeable for you afterwards 13 seasons?
To a ample extent, I adore accomplishing it. It comes actual accustomed to me. It's not harder for me to do. If it was, I wouldn't do it.

Lately you've bound the appearance about alone to celebrity editions.
A lot of humans wish us to accompany aback the approved Apprentice. They'd adulation us to go aback and do an aboriginal adaptation like what we were accomplishing with Division One, area we had humans searching for jobs. I just acquisition the celebrities for me to be added interesting. This division we accept Dennis Rodman and Gary Busey and LaToya (Jackson) and Trace Adkins and Penn Jillette. We accept a abundant cast. Everybody that we capital aback said yes.

Many of the celebrity casting associates accept been able to rejuvenate their careers afterwards actualization on the show.
Joan [Rivers], as she will acquaint you, she had a appealing abandoned schedule. And afterwards The Apprentice she became the hottest actor in the country. And she's accomplishing phenomenally now. Piers Morgan, you apperceive what happened to him. And Trace [Adkins], if he came on the show, not a lot of humans heard about Trace. And during the show, he had the Number One country album. Arsenio Hall got his own late-night appearance afresh afterwards getting on The Apprentice. Dennis Rodman, he's in North Korea now – he brand the North Koreans bigger than us.

So where's Donald's cut of their successes?
I consistently say that myself.

Do humans accept a acceptable acumen of Donald Trump?
You know, it's actual interesting. If I do The Apprentice, what I do is I blaze people. And acclamation came out and humans said, "You know, Trump is so abundant nicer than we thought." Can you imagine, I blaze humans and now humans like me better? I absolutely accept to accept had a abhorrent angel afore accomplishing the show.

A few years back, if you were because active for President, you said you were balked by the "equal time" accouterment that states because of your show, your opponents aswell be accustomed two hours on primetime TV.
I anticipate it's so unfair. And I'll be honest with you, had that not happened . . . I was arch in the polls. If I did [the show] if I was running, they'd accept to accord Rick Santorum and anybody abroad who's active two hours on primetime NBC. Gimme a break. It's discriminatory.

No one wants to see Rick Santorum for two hours on primetime.
I don't anticipate that would accept done actual able-bodied [laughs].

In 2011, you declared Washington D.C. to Rolling Stone as a city-limits of "great incompetence."
It's gotten abundant worse, wouldn't you say? If you attending at what's happened with the cloister and the [fiscal] cliff. There's no leadership. There's no ideas. There's no anything.

I yield it again you weren't admiring with the aftereffect of the endure Presidential election?
Romney was a actual nice man. But he didn't resonate. Somehow people, they didn't dig it. He should accept won that election. I was never abiding that he was traveling to.

Where did he fail?
I didn't like some of the things he did: accepting him arcade in a abundance and blame a barrow out the aperture and again the aperture wasn't aperture because he had never done it before. His endure two to three weeks were absolutely boxy weeks. He got aching by [Hurricane] Sandy and all the reverberations from that.

Was it boxy to watch him crumble at the accomplishment line?
I anticipation it was traveling to be a actual abutting election. But I anticipate that in the end, the Republicans did not do a actual acceptable job. This was an acclamation that should accept been won easily.

You've been ahead abrupt adjoin gun control. Piers Morgan, who's been on a abuse adjoin accoutrements back the tragedy at Sandy Hook, serves as a bedfellow adviser on the aboriginal adventure of Celebrity Apprentice this season. I yield it you two are traveling to accept to accede to disagree on that issue?
Look, the bad guys are befitting the guns. If the bad guys are befitting the guns, anyone is traveling to accept to assure you. It's both a complicated and a actual simple affair simultaneously. If somebody is traveling to accept the guns, the added ancillary is traveling to accept to accept the accoutrements also. If cipher has them, that's addition subject. But humans will consistently accept accoutrements in the United States. The absorbing affair is that if [guns] were to be accustomed up, they would be accustomed up by the humans that would not use them in a bent way. I apperceive Piers is on the added ancillary of that issue. And that's OK. That's his opinion. I accept abundant account for Piers.

Before I let you go, I accept to ask: Do you get ailing of humans talking about your hair?
I've become allowed to it. In a way, it's a compliment. Barbara Walters interviewed me and one of the questions was, "Can I feel your hair?" And I said "Yes." And she said, "It is yours!" And I said, "Barbara, you've accepted me for a continued time, you apperceive that." You accept it's my hair right?

I'll yield your chat for it.
It's my hair.

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