There are two agreement in agenda photography that announce two actual altered kinds of cameras. The agreement are compact, and full-frame. The above defines those cheap, pocketable point-and-shoots, while the closing is a affection alone begin on the a lot of able DSLRs. With the RX1, Sony alloyed these two arctic opposites in a blow of photo-epic proportions.
What Is It?A bunched camera with a full-frame 24 megapixel CMOS sensor and non-removable 35mm f/2.0 Carl Zeiss lens. It costs—get ready—$2800.
Who's It For?People with a ton of money.
DesignIt's harder to acquisition accountability in the RX1's design. Sony didn't try to breach any molds here, it just ashore to what works best. Simple geometry, accustomed and absolute ascendancy layout, and high-quality materials. Perhaps what is a lot of acceptable is the absorption to detail. Every button and punch has a admirable concrete action.
The centralized architecture is something to agenda as well. Allotment of the acumen the 35mm Zeiss lens cannot be switched out with added lenses is because the eyes extend into the physique of the camera, interfacing altogether with the sensor.
Using ItWalking about with the RX1 provides a different satisfaction. There's something abating in alive that this tiny camera doesn't accommodation angel superior whatsoever. Sharpness & low ablaze achievement are absolute amazing, with the distinctively advised Zeiss lens capturing alarming levels of detail. The lens can aswell focus acutely abutting (14 cm) to objects—an underrated feature—expanding the versatility of the camera.
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The controls are automatic for the manual-inclined shooters out there, with bags of customization options at hand. Chiral absorption is assisted by peaking and angel deepening which plan great.
The alone added artifice we accept with how the camera works is the below-par auto-focus system. Sony's added contempo amalgam auto-focus arrangement begin on the newer NEX cams was apparently developed too backward to be implemented on the RX1. But that's no excuse. It doesn't feel acceptable to accept such an outstanding and big-ticket accessory with so-so auto-focus capability.
The Best PartThe amazing activity of capturing such aboveboard abundant searching images with such a tiny camera. It makes you anticipate of the future. Though, at the aforementioned time, it makes you apprehend that camera manufacturers are agreeably not assiduity this blazon of artefact artlessly to assure their markets.
Tragic FlawIt is too big-ticket for actually anyone—save the awfully wealthy—to consider.
It seems that even a camera like the RX1, congenital with chiral operations in mind, can't get chiral absorption actually appropriate with commendations to ring sensitivity. As in a lot of cameras, it takes way too abounding turns to accomplish focus adjustments, and slows down the action considerably.
Test Notes A abstracted lens ring is acclimated to about-face into macro-focus mode. It takes some accepting acclimated to, and is the alone allotment of the ascendancy arrangement we weren't crazy about.Sony sells an cyberbanking viewfinder for the RX1. It too is actually expensive—$450One detail we actually admire about the RX1 is that the bang is about completely silent.Video superior doesn't impress, which is a abuse shame. This could accept been a analgesic B-camera for DSLR video shooters. Sony FDAEV1MK Cyberbanking Viewfinder Kit (Black) Sony FDAEV1MK Cyberbanking Viewfinder Kit (Black) Sony FDAEV1MK Cyberbanking Viewfinder Kit (Black) $448.00
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Should You Buy It?If you're pond in money and adulation photography, absolutely buy the Sony RX1. Is there any altercation for it as a applied purchase? It would be a stretch. The cheapest new full-frame DSLR (currently the Canon 6D on Amazon) commutual with a high-quality 35mm lens will run you about $3000. So technically, the RX1 is a hardly cheaper option. But after the adeptness to change lenses, you are acutely attached your accurate options, and there is no accepting about that.
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It will be absorbing to see if Sony goes advanced in developing approaching iterations of the RX1. There are abounding rumors bouncing of Sony developing a full-frame changeable lens camera slated for 2014, and if that happens, the RX1 ability reside on alone as the admirable agreement it is.
Sony Cybershot RX1 • Sensor: 24 MP Exmor CMOS • Processor: Sony BIONZ • ISO Range: 100-25600 • Lent: Carl Zeiss 35mm f/2 • Display: 1.2 million-dot anchored LCD • Video: 1920 x 1080 (60, 50, 25, 24 fps), 1440 x 1080 (30, 25 fps), 1280 x 720 (30 fps), 640 x 480 (30, 25 fps) • Price: $2799

Sony DSC-RX1/B Cyber-shot Full-frame Agenda Camera Sony DSC-RX1/B Cyber-shot Full-frame Agenda Camera Sony DSC-RX1/B Cyber-shot Full-frame Digital… $2798.00
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