Instagram is assuredly clearly advancing to Windows Phone via Nokia Lumias, Nokia just appear at Nokia World. Yes, you can assuredly stop application that asinine Hipstamatic workaround.

Windows Phone Just Got Instagram (Sort Of) and Vine (Really) Windows Phone Just Got Instagram (Sort Of) and Vine (Really) Windows Phone Just Got Instagram (Sort Of) and Vin
So hidden in Nokia's advertisement of some new apps for its Lumia band was a little… Apprehend added Read more
The photo-sharing app will barrage on Windows Phone in the "coming weeks." And to sweeten the deal, Windows Phone is aswell accepting Flipboard, Vine, Temple Run 2, EA Sports, Vyclone Pro, Xbox Video, and WhatsApp, a part of added apps the Microsoft belvedere has so hardly been missing.
Sure, Windows Phone users accept technically been able to column to Instagram for several months now, but you had to use a workaround via Hipstamatic or some added bootleg apps. But now you can canal that accomplished process, because Instagram for Windows Phone is actually—and at continued last—real.
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