We've lamented WP7's abridgement of copy & paste (though we haven't absent the irony), but now trusted Windows blogger Long Zheng is advertisement that all achievement is not lost:

Hey Microsoft, Don't F*ck Up Windows Phone 7 Hey Microsoft, Don't F*ck Up Windows Phone 7 Hey Microsoft, Don't F*ck Up Windows Phone 7
Dear Microsoft, you did a acceptable job at out-Appling Apple with the Windows Phone 7. At atomic on… Apprehend added Read more
As it turns out, the development aggregation in fact knows absolutely how they will be implementing archetype & adhesive in WP7S but did not accept it could be implemented after affecting the absolution agenda they've committed too and accordingly will be including it in an amend down the road.Zheng is aswell adequately assertive that the action will not yield two years, as it did on the iPhone. [istartedsomething via BGR]
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