Windows Phone 7 Mango Update Even Tastier than We Expected

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As you know, we wish WP7 to be good. Really, absolutely good—because it's got the abeyant to be absolutely great. Leaked details acknowledge that WP7's next footfall (codenamed "Mango") will be a sweet, adorable chaw of amend fruit.

Windows Phone 7 Mango Update Even Tastier than We Expected
Windows Buzz 7, You Were Supposed to be Great. So What Happened? Windows Buzz 7, You Were Supposed to be Great. So What Happened? Windows Buzz 7, You Were Supposed to be Great. So

"Windows Buzz 7 is the a lot of aggressively different, beginning access to a buzz interface back … Apprehend added Read more

We already knew that Mango was traveling to deliver some seriously-needed multitasking and accomplishments account boosts—but new screenshots of the WP7.5 betrayal some appealing accurate features.

First off is Bing Audio—essentially a Shazam clone. Which is great! Natively amalgam a abundant app is acceptable design. It's the aforementioned accord as ever—hold your buzz up to the audio source, affect your accompany with your congenital ability of every song anytime recorded.

Bing Vision is addition clone—this time of Google Goggles. Bar codes, DVDs, book covers, text—all browse and searchable with your device's camera. It's cryptic if you'll be able to do annihilation air-conditioned with this abstracts above a Bing seek (translation, please!), but again, a abundant apparatus to accommodate into the OS itself.

Turn by about-face Bing Maps aeronautics will aswell pop in, forth with chip podcast support, and speech-to-text SMS drafting. The latter's consistently seemed like an abhorrent semi-feature to me in any device, but for those of you after easily or non-conductive fingertips, it'll be a treat.

These aren't tectonic plate-smashing additions, fine, but an auspicious assurance that Microsoft wants to pump some abundant functionality into its asthmatic contender. Go! Faster, adolescent man! You can do it! Pump those legs! Hustle!

For a abounding briefing of Mango's juice, yield a accept to the WP Dev Podcast. [Windows Buzz Secrets via BGR]

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