It's traveling to appear down to the wire for the top atom on the archive next anniversary as Prince and Keith Urban are bound in a abutting chase for Number One. According to Reuters, "industry prognosticators" ahead Urban's Defying Gravity will bend out Prince's amateur advance of LOtUSFLOW3R, MPLSoUND and Bria Valente's Elixer. Both albums are accepted to advertise in the adjacency of 150,000 copies, admitting Urban ability top out at 160,000.
LOtUSFLOW3R would be Prince's fifth U.S. chart-topping album, afterward Purple Rain, Around the World in a Day, the Batman soundtrack and, a lot of recently, 2006's 3121. Even if it doesn't affirmation the top spot, the LOtUS amalgamation will assuredly advertise added than the 96,000 copies Prince's antecedent anthology Planet Earth mustered in 2007. Urban has never claimed a Number One spot, clearing for Number Three on both of his antecedent albums.
If Prince does win the sales race, the achievement will acceptable appear with some affectionate of industry asterisk: The LOtUSFLOW3R amalgamation was appear on Sunday, March 29th, giving Prince an added two canicule of sales and a nine-day admission week. However, Keith Urban isn't leashed to an absolute accord with Target like Prince is, authoritative Defying Gravity added broadly available. Plus, the bulk of copies purchased via associates to Prince's newly launched LOtUSFLOW3R Website acceptable will not be included in his final tally. One affair is for certain, and that's that Now! 30 apparently will not be topping the archive again.
For added on the LOtUSFLOW3R package, analysis out this week's New Music Report for Rolling Stone's yield on the Purple One's three-disc set.
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