Back if there were four bands larboard in the Choose the Awning of Rolling Stone contest, the Canadian boogie-rockers the Sheepdogs absitively to up their affairs by accepting political. Drawing afflatus from groups like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the accumulation associates created a tongue-in-cheek video asserting that they deserve to arise on the awning because of their beards. "Rolling Stone has fabricated its acceptability by featuring bedrock musicians with arresting facial hair on its cover," the ad says in an apocalyptic voice. "But over the years, Rolling Stone has featured added and added artists after facial hair at all."
Choose Rolling Stone's Cover: The Sheepdogs vs. Lelia Broussard. Vote Now!
Now that the challenge is down to just the Sheepdogs and singer-songwriter Lelia Broussard, the barbate rockers acquisition themselves adverse off adjoin an artisan that, as the ad credibility out, is not even able of growing a beard. It may be time for Broussard to blaze aback with her own ad!
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