The Rolling Stones: Back With a Bang

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Photo by Anton Corbijn The Rolling Stones on the awning of Rolling Stone

Solo first, arch later!" Mick Jagger yells, axis to the draft of the Rolling Stones as they appear to a blowzy arrest abaft him. Jagger, guitarists Keith Richards and Ron Wood, and bagman Charlie Watts are alarm for their 2005-06 apple bout – dubbed A Bigger Bang, afterwards their outstanding new anthology – in the gym of the Greenwood College School in Toronto. They are grappling with a song they accept not played reside aback 1982, "Hang Fire," from the anthology Tattoo You. Unable to accede on which locations go where, the Stones blast in the average of it on the aboriginal pass.

It's a burning crash. Watts hits a hard, fast aeon on his snare, and the complete casting – including bassist Darryl Jones, keyboard amateur Chuck Leavell and accomplishments singers Bernard Fowler, Lisa Fischer and Blondie Chaplin – all-overs aback into the song at abounding speed.

The Rolling Stones, 1963-1969: Behind-the-Scenes Snapshots

But the capital of activity is at the bottom of the boom riser. As the Stones allegation through the endure choruses of "Hang Fire," Jagger sings adverse Watts, shimmying in abode as the bagman swings with perfect, antagonism tension. Richards and Wood aswell cull in tight, about toe-to-toe as they riff and abandoned like dueling swordsmen. This is the atom area lightning strikes afresh and again: tonight in the surging afterpiece of "Let It Bleed" and the apathetic abscess of "Some Girls," and every night, no bulk how big the stage. The Rolling Stones are the bigger bedrock & aeon bandage in the world, an unstoppable academy still ambience tour-gross annal in stadiums and arenas afterwards forty-three years. But Jagger, 62, Richards, 61, Watts, 64, and Wood, 58, absorb a acceptable allotment of every achievement in that closed formation, authoritative their best music in abutting quarters.

That is why A Bigger Bang, the Stones' aboriginal flat anthology in eight years, is their finest aback Tattoo You. Jagger and Richards wrote and aesthetic abounding of the songs in actuality ancillary by side, and the Stones recorded all of them with no appropriate guests and no balance garnish, from the animal romps "Rough Justice" and "Oh No, Not You Again" to the dirty, ample dejection "Back of My Hand" and the political abuse "Sweet Neo Con," the endure two featuring the bare-bones leash of Jagger, Richards and Watts. Things could accept angry out a lot differently. In June 2004, just as Jagger and Richards began alive on new material, Watts was diagnosed with throat cancer. But the operation was successful. Afterwards six weeks of chemotherapy, the bagman accustomed a apple-pie bill of bloom and was anon aback at his kit, proving afresh that for the Stones, bloodshed is not an issue. It's an irritant.

"There is a assertive activity on this one, an excitement," Richards says, with his abrupt swashbuckler's laugh, of the anthology afore alarm one night. "There were no huge obstacles to overcome, like, 'What about that tuba part?' These songs accommodate themselves to reside work. They are beautifully accessible to play, and everybody's accessible to play them."

By the time the Stones sit down for these four interviews – two weeks into rehearsals, in their corresponding bathrobe apartment (except for Watts, who prefers the quiet abundance of his auberge suite) – they accept run through abundant of the new album, including "Back of My Hand," Richards' begrimed articulate affection "Infamy," and the R&B ballads "Streets of Love" and "This Abode Is Empty." In fact, there are about 100 altered titles, accounting in black brand on the ample whiteboards on the gym walls, advertisement the songs the bandage practices anniversary night. There are best surprises ("The Endure Time," "It's All Over Now," "Little T&A"); the accepted hits ("Tumbling Dice," "It's Alone Bedrock and Roll"); even a brace of Ray Charles tributes, "Lonely Avenue" and "(Night Time Is) the Appropriate Time."

"A lot of these things we do complete occasionally," Jagger says. "We try them in altered ways. In the end, I'm aggravating to aggregate a accumulation of eighty tunes for the accomplished year." He laughs. "That way, I can say, 'We apposite those in Toronto. C'mon, let's accept addition go at this.'"

Rock & aeon is declared to be unpredictable, but the Stones accomplish like clockwork: a apple bout every three or four years, usually with a new album; rehearsals in Toronto.
Mick Jagger: The accomplished act of touring is ritualistic: You're actuality one day, there the next. It's super-predictable. I can acquaint you absolutely area I'm traveling to be in Frankfurt – the auberge I'm blockage in and the allowance – next July.

Is that the activity you envisioned for yourself forty years ago? In the old days, the best affair you could get was a address at a club. Your activity was formulaic. We'd play Tuesday nights at the Ealing Club, Friday nights at the Marquee, Saturday night somewhere, Sunday afternoons at Ken Colyer's and Sunday evenings in Richmond. You didn't anguish about area your next gigs were advancing from. And they were all aural a five-mile radius.

You get the catechism whenever you advertise a tour: "Is this the endure time?" The aboriginal time I answered that was in 1966. It's on film.

All Access: The Bedrock & Aeon Photography of Ken Regan

Are you anytime tempted to say yes? I consistently feel like that at the end of a tour. They never ask you at the end [laughs]. To be honest, I didn't anticipate the Stones should do addition big tour. I was cerebration of just twenty shows: "There are all these festivals in the summer. Let's do ten gigs in America, afresh appear to Europe."

I'm absolutely blessed to do less. Because I get apathetic afterwards twenty shows. It's absorbing and arduous to get the affair going. But afterwards you've done it, it becomes routine. Every night you accept to accomplish it alpha for yourself, so that if you go out there it's alpha for the audience.

Did you feel that way in, say, 1978? Yeah. And creatively, it's rather dull. You accept all these abundant account – "I'm traveling to address twenty songs." You don't address anything. Keith will acquaint you he writes all these songs on the road. Bollocks. The a lot of you address is a few bits, because you're so focused on this one affair - accepting the appearance right.

How far forth were you in planning this album-tour aeon if Charlie told you he had cancer? We had OK'd the tour. He was beeline up about it: "The doctor says I accept a ninety percent adventitious of accepting absolutely cured." I would accept been in such a state. If Charlie had said, "I can't do this tour, I've faced mortality," we would accept had to change our minds. No one pressured him. But the treatments couldn't accept been easy. I kept worrying: Is he eating? I'm like a assistant [smiles].

Have you anytime had a austere bloom scare? No. I'm abiding I will one day. It's traveling to happen: You're traveling to get ill. You're traveling to die. What can you do? Accumulate as advantageous as you can. The animality of touring is problematic, but it's consistently been the same, aback I was twenty. It's December in blood-soaked Edmonton, Canada, you get a cold, you accept to absence a show. That's the affliction that will happen. And you're accomplishing it in the lap of luxury. Everyone's searching afterwards you. Let's not amplify how difficult this is.

A Bigger Bang is the Stones' aboriginal flat anthology in eight years. What makes you sit up and say, "It's time to record"? If we go out on tour, we gotta do a record. It shows you are an complete activity bedrock band. I don't ambition to be one of those bands that just does hits. Humans say, "I abundant adopt to apprehend 'Brown Sugar' than some new song." Well, I don't accord a $.25 what you prefer. If anybody abroad in the bandage had said, "We can't be bothered, no one listens to our new records," fair enough. We can do added repackages [rolls his eyes]. But anybody was up for it.

And we did it in a altered way: beneath humans around, apply on what you're doing. No fucking about and jamming for days. You apperceive how it is with bedrock bands in studios. Already they get in there, they never ambition to leave. It's not a almanac anymore; it's a way of life.

Mick Jagger Through the Years

When you and Keith sit calm to write, what happens? It's never the aforementioned from one song to another. I'm complete altered from Keith. I like aggregate organized. I adulation it if things go wonky and funny, but I ambition to move forward. I don't ambition to sit about cat-and-mouse for $.25 to happen. "This is how it goes, these are the words. Should it be fast or slower? Do you like it or not?"

This time, I got into this affair area Keith would accept an abstraction and I would put a boom affairs to it. Afresh I'd play drums over that, actualize a groove. By the time Charlie got there, I'd say, "This is the beat." I capital to affect him [laughs].

We were in such a bedfast amplitude - some of it was in France, some of it in the Caribbean - afterwards endless of hangers-on. There was boilerplate to hide. "Is it good?" "Is it not good? Afresh arrest it out the window." There were no three-hour dejection jams. There wasn't time.

On this album, and in about all of your lyrics, you address about sex in two basal ways: In the rockers, it's battle and the chase. In the ballads, it's accident and leaving. You never address about satisfaction. It's easier to address about conflict. Try autograph "I'm at accord with the world" in a bedrock tune. See area that gets you. But if you went into some country singer's songbook, you'd acquisition a lot added affliction than in the Rolling Stones.

How abundant of the battle and affliction is autobiography? It's a admixture of your account and artistic imagination. That's what accepting a biographer is about. Totally autobiographical songs are cringe-y. Teenage girls adulation that shit. If Britney bankrupt up with Justin and he did that tune ["Cry Me a River"], my babe was acknowledgment to me, "You see the arena in the video? That in actuality happened, Dad."

If I wrote about what my activity is absolutely about, anon and on the money, humans would cringe. "Oh No, Not You Again" is based on a complete incident. But I fabricated it funnier than it was.

So was there absolutely an "Angie"? I don't know. That was one of Keith's songs [laughs]. I just abounding in the gaps.

"Sweet Neo Con" is complete in its backroom and accusations. Who are you singing to? I don't ambition to overexplain it. But it is complete direct. During the presidential election, I was asked by the New York Daily News which ancillary I was on. I said it's not affable to yield abandon in foreigners' elections. But we're not in an acclamation now.

So whose ancillary are you on now? I'm not on anyone's side. There is no ancillary that has an complete answer. That's the agitation with politics. You adeptness say, "The Republican yield on the Average East is incorrect." The Democratic action wasn't that brilliant, either.

The a lot of complete affair in "Sweet Neo Con" is your own fear: "There's bombers in my bedroom/And it's giving me the shits." You complete appealing scared. It is a alarming time. Aback I wrote the song, London's gotten even scarier. "Rain Abatement Down" is a song about London. It has a line, "Feel like we're alive in a battleground/Everyone's jazzed." That was in my arch already. There were so abounding armed badge in the streets. Walking around, seeing apparatus guns, is not how you brainstorm London to be.

If we accumulate traveling down this track, we're not traveling to get back. The aforementioned activity is in "Back of My Hand": that able-bodied go too far, get abroad from our aboriginal values, and this ambidexterity imperialism will yield us to a abode area we eventually collapse.

Music technology has afflicted so abundant just in the three years aback Forty Licks. How has that afflicted the way you baby-sit the business of the Stones? The aboriginal important affair has annihilation to do with technology. You accept to actualize new songs. If you don't, you are absolutely set into a time zone. We recorded this anthology digitally, afterwards any tape, which is appealing accustomed now. The draft of it is just distribution: ring tones, altered kinds of calendar delivery. We acclimated to bout to abutment a record. In 1972, I would accept said, "We're announcement Exile on Main Street." Now you're touring, you accept a new album, there's affairs and television shows. We accept partnerships with the NFL and Ameriquest to get our music on television. It's old-fashioned, but you adeptness added humans than you do with downloading.

Keith is so abrogating in accessible about your abandoned albums. Don't you anytime feel like cogent him to beating it off? I do [laughs].

But afterwards accommodating with humans like Rob Thomas and Lenny Kravitz, do you acquisition that you do your best plan the Stones? Not necessarily. You can do a song with the Rolling Stones that turns out not to be complete acceptable at all. There are songs you address that you wouldn't ask them to play. And there are songs area you apperceive the Stones will play them far bigger than anyone else. It's all one artistic process. Some things you like beneath than others. And you never apperceive what that's traveling to be.

What was your aboriginal acknowledgment if you heard about Charlie's cancer?Keith Richards: Mick and I were at Mick's abode in France – we were alpha to address – if we got the news. Mick and I looked into anniversary other's eyes and realized, "It's down to this – just us." Afresh I said, "For the moment, you're on drums, and I'll bifold on bass."

I don't anticipate that, amid us, there was any agnosticism that Charlie would exhausted it. I wondered how continued and debilitating it adeptness be, which Charlie answered in spades if he came back. He looked absolutely the same, like he hadn't done annihilation added than adjust his hair and put a clothing on.

This is Charlie Watts' finest album. If you accept to the drumming, it's as if he came aback and said, "A accessory beef wound!" If he came in, we were still alive down songs, rehearsing. You don't usually go into fifth accessory in rehearsal. You lay aback a little. But Charlie came in as if to prove "I'm back." He played every alarm like a show.

There was a adventitious he would not be back, which raises the question: Who is indispensable? If do you accept that you can no best backpack on as the Rolling Stones? There is a assertive blueprint that ends up as zero. The Stones will accomplish their accommodation about that eventually. At the moment, they're rockin', so who cares? This is something we gotta do. OK, $.25 hits the fan. But the bus is still rolling. You can't get off this machine, except if the auto abatement off. And we'll all apperceive if that happens.

Photos: Attenuate and Intimate Pictures of the Rolling Stones

How abundant did Charlie's affliction accompany you and Mick afterpiece together, as songwriters and otherwise? It pulled us calm quicker than I would accept expected. Because the man does like to accumulate his distances. On the basal akin of putting songs together, it fabricated us play calm more, on guitars and piano. Mick, as a guitar player, has assuredly gotten there. Before, I'd consistently been alert of him if he played electric guitar – he let the accent run away. He's aswell a acceptable bagman – not in a abstruse sense. But he's got a abundant beat, acceptable feel.

With the dejection "Back of My Hand," we just went, "Let's alpha with area we started." It's simple to canyon off a blues. But what's the point of that? This was aboriginal but appropriate at the roots. You could feel the ghosts advancing back. You could feel Muddy Waters and Little Walter in the room. You acquainted you were a allotment of accompany as you played it.

What does the Jagger-Richards acclaim absolutely mean? Are you still that tight, shoulder-to-shoulder, if you address together? Already we larboard England and started to reside in altered places, we had to advance a new way of writing. Instead of accepting awash in a room, you agape out account on your own, afresh you put them together, see what you got. A lot of times, we'll get together, and one of us will play something: "Oh, that's nice, but area does it go from there?" "I don't know." I'll play what I've been doing, and one bit will fit absolutely with a bit he has.

It's affectionate of weird. If you're alive with Mick in a room, it's abundant fun. It's just accepting to those moments if it is cool. We're like argumentative brothers. It's affinity rivalry, afterwards accepting the aforementioned parents. Mick and I spent so abounding years alive in the aforementioned room. And you accept all the accoutrements that goes with life: women and babies. It's amazing that we're still alive calm and affection it, that we can still put up with anniversary other.

On some traces on "A Bigger Bang," Ronnie doesn't play at all. Sometimes Mick, plays accelerate guitar. You play bass and keyboards. How do you apperceive if a song sounds like the Stones? It's acutely not a austere bulk of role and lineup. It's a feeling. It's not something you can define. The lineup's afflicted appreciably over the years. Some humans will say, "It's consistently been about Jagger-Richards." I don't even apperceive if it's about that. Afterwards Watts, it wouldn't be the same.

At the aforementioned time it is never just about the lineup. Two or three guys don't accomplish a band. They accept to ambition to accomplish a bandage and accord up those egocentric interests, all that bickering: "That's my solo." If somebody's accessible to go for it, I'11 aback him. It's gotta be like that. You can't be like, "It's my job to play that."

Mick swears "Sweet Neo Con" is not accurately about George Bush. But he admits in the song, "It's accepting scary/Yes, I'm abashed out my wits." Are you scared? I anticipation the song was about Condoleezza Rice [grins]. There is absolutely a action on. Am I afraid any added than I was of accepting destroyed up by the IRA twenty years ago? I don't know. I was built-in in the average of bombing.

But who's the enemy? Maybe we are. Somehow, the Western apple has pissed off some of the Eastern world. At the aforementioned time, these humans accept their own agenda, and I wouldn't accord them the time of day. It's not my fight, but I'm bent up in it. We all are.

We're all arrive to play God these days, to buzz in and say what we think. There is an afflict of information. I don't ambition to apperceive a lot of this. Humans go, "If it's available, why not accept it?" But how abundant can you eat in a day? You get blubber of the brain. Humans should do less: Eat less, watch beneath TV. Get out, airing the dog.

100 Greatest Artists of All Time: The Rolling Stones

Do you accept an iPod? Not personally. My ancestors has them. I don't backpack about any $.25 of accessories – except my knife. I'm acquainted of what's available. The things that accept been traveling on aback I was growing up, alive in the business I do – I've been on the acid bend of technology, afterwards even acumen it. The minute something was off the military-secret list, it was in the studio. They wouldn't even change the name on the button: "Missiles fire."

But can we handle it all? As a species, we accept to footfall up to the bowl and say, "Enough." We accumulate aggravating to put the nuclear affair aback in the bottle: "Wish we hadn't let that one out." [Smiles] Shit, it's too abundant for a guitar amateur to contemplate.

Is it accurate that you are arena Johnny Depp's ancestor in the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels? I saw Johnny in L.A. a ages ago, and they wheeled in this apparel of Disney charlatan costumes. Johnny and I spent a abundant afternoon aggravating these things on. But that doesn't beggarly I'm accomplishing it. At the moment, I angry them down - they're cutting while I'm touring. I'd adulation to do it if there was no hassle. But it would be a ancillary trip. I apperceive what my gig is. The abstraction of alive for Disney gives me the all-overs in the aboriginal abode [laughs].

You accept apposite a dozen songs from A Bigger Bang, which suggests you're complete appreciative of the album. On bout the Stones usually do alone a brace of tunes from a new record. We're not adage we'll do them all. But this bandage is weird. We gotta apperceive every song, whether we in actuality play it or not, just in case somebody wants to alarm one out.

You can attending at the Stones on one akin and say, "Well, actuality they go – same-old same-old." But atmospheres change, and there is a faculty of that here. I don't apperceive area it comes from, whether it's from in the bandage or the music. Maybe everybody's just blessed to see us again.

Does it bother you that if critics and admirers allocution about the the Stones' aureate age, they consistently beggarly the years afore you abutting – the Sixties and aboriginal Seventies? Ron Wood: It alone bothers me because I wasn't on those albums. But I can do those songs bigger now – as good, anyhow [laughs]. Even admitting I wasn't on Exile on Main Street, I apperceive it central out. I advise the bandage added about those songs than they know. They'll go, "How does that average bit go?" I accept had the songs in my arch for so continued – I apperceive what's accident next in anniversary one. [Keyboard player] Chuck Leavell will apperceive the complete anatomy of the songs, how they were arranged. I do it by feel.

On the 1975 tour, clearly you were subbing for Mick Taylor, who had just quit. How abundant accomplishment did you put into acquirements his guitar locations agenda for note? I knew those solos in my head. I could carbon them, with amazing respect, on my part, for Mick [Taylor]. It's like painting: If I attending at some Expressionist or Impressionist work, I can carbon it. In the Sixties, if Mick was in the Gods, I acclimated to angle in for him if he was too afraid to go on. He didn't feel he could play any good. He'd say, "Ronnie, amuse do my bit, I can't go on." I'd go, "Mick, c'mon, you're great." "No. I can't go on."

The Rolling Stones on the Awning of Rolling Stone

I'd play his set with the Gods, afresh appear aback out and play with my band, the Birds. Mick would appear aback later: "Thanks, man, for accoutrement for me." That backwardness was his downfall, admitting I just go for it. I'm not technically as acceptable a guitar amateur as Mick.

What affectionate of accord did you get for accomplishing the '75 tour? I'm the world's affliction businessman. I did my own negotiations. I got a hundred admirable for the accomplished tour. I was continuing next to [photographer] Robert Ellis. He said, "Are you abiding you don't charge advice with that contract?" I said, "Why?" "You've got it upside down."

Did you anticipate of the '75 bout as an audition? "If I get this right, I've got the job." The Stones were the bandage I capital to be in. The Faces were acerbic at the time. There was a absolutely bad vibe. And afterwards the engine allowance concentrating, you can't accept that amusing activity up front. I thought, "If I can get these 140 songs that accept al of a sudden landed on my head…" It was acute - to get hit with all of those Mick Taylor lines, to answer what Brian [Jones] had done, afresh to add my own bluesy ascribe to it all.

Charlie anticipation I was a natural. Mick asked me to join. Keith asked me. But we never formally appear it. For some reason, they never capital to say I was the man. They just let it bleed in.

You gave up a lot to accompany the Stones: the autograph and singing you did with the Faces, your starring role as guitarist. It was a abatement to be in the Stones: "Let somebody abroad alarm the shots." I admired what Keith did as a guitarist. But there were lots of things I could yield over, like solos and accomplishing lots of accelerate guitar, which is my big dream.

Photos From 'The Faces 1969 to 1975'

I absence the songwriting. I'm accustomed for songs with the Stones: "Everything's Axis to Gold" [1979 B side], "Dance, Pt. 1" [on Emotional Rescue, 1980], "Black Limousine" [on Tattoo You]. But it's a abortive thing, because they've got songs ample up on the aback burner. I'll bandy suggestions in, but they'll go, "Sorry, mate, we've got these hundred advanced of you at the moment." So I do things like blur music. I'm alive on some at the moment.

How was "Everything's Axis to Gold" written? It's attenuate to see a third name in the credits with Jagger-Richards. I came up with the choir if my son Jesse was born. It was aggressive by him. I basically wrote the accomplished thing. Mick wrote the verses – there's few verses actually, and the accomplished song relies on the choruses. "Dance" was like that too. But it's like Lennon-McCartney. Mick and Keith consistently breach the credit. If I address a song with Mick or Keith, it's anon breach three ways.

You still play with Rod Stewart on occasion. How would you analyze the way you plan with him and Mick onstage? Rod lets me sing. He loves it. And he wants me to appear to the front, advance the accomplished band. He says, "We don't do annihilation afterwards Woody's say-so" – which is wonderful. With the Stones, there is this anchored affair – legend, really. Aggregate we do has to accept the Stones' stamp, which is an agitative affair to go forth with and reside up to – to accompany the juice, backpack it to the max. Afterwards a challenge, we'd be boring.

Are there restrictions you accept – what you play, area you angle – onstage with the Stones? Oh, yeah. That's acutely to the beginning of my cerebration as I'm playing. For example, area I lay aback is complete important. Contrarily I can draft the accomplished song. That's the aforementioned with every alone member, even the arch associates of the band. Like Keith's intros – sometimes you'll get a bit of blast 'n' crash. Mick looks at me like, "What the fuck is that?" And Keith's like, "Talk amidst yourselves for a minute, and I'll try that again." [Smiles] Keith can get abroad with that. If it was me who fucked up an intro, I'd accept the accomplished Stones apple down on me [laughs]. But that's all right. You accept to be amenable for what you can and cannot do. It's a accomplished line, and I adulation that. That's what keeps us so fresh.

There are affluence of things I can do. Mick gives you the abandon to run around. I can run about with him if I ambition to. The alone way I can absolutely fuck up is by accepting too loud. That is a abscessed point with Keith and Mick. I'd get my guitar captivated 'round my arch by Keith.

How do you and Keith actualize guitar locations for Stones songs, onstage and on records? Keith and I accept this accepted law area he'll lay aback and I'll let go, or I'll lay aback and he'll go for it. We rarely conflict. Already in a while he'll bark at me: "Hey, this is me. Aback off." Afresh a few licks later, I do the aforementioned – "Fuck you, this is me" – and he'll move back.

In the studio, we're not in the aforementioned allowance together. I'm usually with Mick and [co-producer] Don Was. Keith will generally do his $.25 first. But "One-Take Ronnie" – that's what they alarm me. I'm consistently bigger on the aboriginal take. They'll play me the song, afresh they'll play it afresh for me to play on, and I'll do my thing: a lick here, a lick there, sometimes accompany in the slide.

The new anthology was so improvised. I did all my overdubs in four days. On "You Saw Me Coming," that is Mick on bass, Charlie, Keith and me, cut live. We should do added like that, like in the Faces' canicule area we would just yield off – eyes down, accommodated you at the end. In songs like "Stay With Me," the Faces had a structure, afresh we'd go for it. There are songs on the new Stones album, like "Rough Justice," that admonish me of the Faces so much. I did all the accelerate on my aboriginal "Stay With Me" guitar. It's baffled up, but it's still got a absurd sound.

How would you alarm the changes you've apparent in the accord amid Mick and Keith? And how bad did it get? Growing up has a lot to do with the way they get on – accepting the actuality that "OK, I'm never traveling to change this guy. And we're abutting at the hip, whether we like it or not." They're administration jokes and hugs now. They're accepting on so able-bodied – as against to the Eighties, if it was annihilation accepting about the two of them, aggravating to adjustment things. Mick would say, "Keith hates me so much." And I'm going, "He absolutely respects you and loves you. He just doesn't apperceive how to say it." Meanwhile, Keith's going, "I don't apperceive if he wants to fucking allocution to me anymore." And I'm saying, "Just accept me – why don't you alarm anniversary added up?"

The Greatest Bedrock Feuds Of All Time

There are belief area I was the agent in those days. I knew if to footfall in. And I aimlessly apperceive if to get out of their way. But it's all about befitting that academy – the Rolling Stones – going: "Whether you like it or not, you guys are traveling to accept to application it up, or overlook everything."

Did Charlie's blight force you to anticipate about your own bloom and mortality, decidedly your battles with alcoholism? If I started demography drugs and drinking, I was sixteen. I hadn't developed up. I've had my aims and ambitions. I consistently knew what I capital to do. But I was benumbed throughout. I accept a lot of growing up to do. It's a abundant challenge, but I think, "Fucking hell, is it too late?"

I try to do my best every day. You accept a abundant gig or rehearsal, and afterwards you ambition to accolade yourself. I accept to go home and put CSI on the TV. Instead of accepting a drink, it's "Let's get complex in some forensics."

It's complete difficult to agitate the habits of forty-odd years – the smoking, bubbler and drugging. I was talking to Keith and [saxophonist] Bobby Keys endure night. The two annoying boys were in my allowance here, in accretion [laughs], and they're going, "Yeah, baby, bethink that auberge . . . ?" And appropriate away, that activity rubs off. That high, the reminiscing – that's the hardest affair to accord with. I still absence the complete doing.

How are you feeling? Charlie Watts: Fine. I've been complete lucky. They bent the blight early. It was just a lot of plan accepting the anatomy in adjustment again. Mick's physio [personal trainer] looks afterwards me.

What contest are you accomplishing to get aback in shape? I do addition and sit-ups. They removed all the lymph nodes [points to throat]. If they do that, the anatomy go. Afresh you sit about for eight weeks in treatment. You can't lift your arm. It's like accepting minorly paralyzed.

It was a worry, because of what I do for a living. We've got a tour, and I didn't apperceive if I could get through a song. You can't stop already you get going, if you're a drummer. A guitar amateur can lay aback in the middle. A bagman has to be there all the time. I didn't apperceive if I could accomplish it. I was fifty percent fit if I accustomed in Toronto. But it's amazing how bound your physique heals.

You got throat blight even admitting you gave up smoker decades ago. Are you afraid that, afterwards aggregate Keith has done to himself, he's in such defiantly acceptable health? He's got an amazing constitution, and he's complete austere on himself, in a funny way. He never overdid drugs. He consistently had a set bulk that he did, and he would never do the accomplished lot at once. A lot of humans who do that are dead. He could accept fallen; he was in a position to do that. And he never did. He has a complete able will to live.

He's altered to Ronnie. It's harder for Ronnie. He has a afraid energy. If he's talking to you or arena guitar, he's fine. But he can't do that all day long. If he puts the guitar down, that's if he wants a cigarette or a drink.

Mick and Keith had started autograph for the new anthology if you were diagnosed. Were you anxious about how your affliction would agitate the anthology and bout plans? I didn't anticipate of the Rolling Stones at all. Mick rang a few times: "You accept to get well. Don't anguish about us." I was apologetic not to be there if Mick and Keith were writing. In a way, it was fortuitous, because they were on their own. It was a lot of fun for them, to be together.

Can you brainstorm the Stones traveling on afterwards you? I anticipate they would, if they capital to. If I hadn't been able-bodied abundant to do this tour, anyone abroad would accept done it – if Mick and Keith capital to do it. There's no acumen why they shouldn't, if humans about-face up to see them. There's guys in our alley aggregation who can do what I do. They see me play every night. It's like Buddy Rich – his roadie acclimated to do all the rehearsals with the band.

The greatest thing, I suppose, is the aggregate of the four of us. The Stones is that. Abstruse adeptness is addition thing. It's like the Who. They've had some accomplished drummers. They've got one now – Ringo Starr's son Zak. He's great. He's not Keith Moon. That was a personality. Pete Townshend and Keith – they were fantastically mad, the brace of them, onstage. John Bonham was the aforementioned with Led Zeppelin – it was a sound, thunderous. And you couldn't accept Cream afterwards Ginger Baker.

Do you admiration about the careers in art and applesauce you could accept had if you hadn't abutting the Stones? What was it about the Stones that was added fulfilling? Initially, added humans came to see me play than with any added bandage I'd been in. The Stones consistently had a following, whether it was four girls or four hundred. I was aswell afflicted with the abandonment of Keith and Brian [Jones] – their complete adherence to Chicago blues, to Elmore James, Jimmy Reed and Chuck Berry. They would sit up all night, arena the annal over and over. Brian would address belletrist of beef to music magazines. Keith was just as fanatical, afterwards autograph letters.

The chat "pop" was not complete big in our lives until we saw the Beatles. They weren't something I capital to be. We did shows with them. Onstage, they didn't do bugger-all. None of them confused much. And they didn't accept a abundant sound. It wasn't like Eric Clapton and Cream or Jimi Hendrix. But the Beatles were a phenomenon. The abundant affair was how humans looked at them. That's what got you, added than John Lennon traveling "la-la-la" or Paul McCartney afraid his head. The aftereffect was amazing.

Do you still get a blitz from that aboriginal barrage of a Stones army if the blind goes up? It's been a continued time aback curtains went up [grins]. I get complete nervous. If you didn't, you'd bung it off – you'd yield it for granted. And I don't yield the Rolling Stones for granted, or annihilation they do. I ambition I could relax and adore the appearance more, instead of thinking, "Where are we now?" Keith consistently gives the consequence that he's blessed with whatever bar he's arena in a song. He's never afraid about the next one. And those two hours are over in a flash. You think, "God, that was Chicago done," and all I did was anguish about area the catastrophe of a song was.

How would you alarm Mick and Keith's accord today? They complete afterpiece – in the songs and performances on A Bigger Bang – than they accept in years. They're like brothers: consistently opposite, consistently agreeing. But you bigger not get amid them. Because they'll accede with anniversary other, and you'll be larboard on your own [laughs].

Have there been times if they were so far afar you acquainted the charge to mediate, to accompany them together? If they get too far apart, you think, "Enough is enough." But a lot of of the time they do it themselves. They're accepting on complete able-bodied at the moment. I anticipate it was the way this almanac was done – simply. Even if I came back, it was simple. For a while it was just the three of us.

Many Stones admirers apparently don't apperceive that you are alive with Mick in clear architecture for the Stones: staging, artwork merchandise. What do you attending for in a Stones image? Something addictive and hopefully beautiful. But you don't ambition it to be tacky. The argot is a archetypal example. For myself, I would go beeline for the beauty. But because of the huge position we are in, you accept to accept a addictive affair that takes over.

Mick's aftertaste in music, for example, is not as airy-fairy as mine. He's blues- and R&B-oriented. On the endure tour, the almanac he raved about was the BeyoncĂ© affair ["Crazy in Love"]. He had that traveling all the time; he acclimated to ball to it. Visually, it's the same. I will veer to the appropriate color, and Mick will put an anxious brand to it. If I go too blush or chartreuse, he'll accompany it aback to ablaze red – which I acquisition abominable [laughs]. I'm not a abundant lover of the appellation for this bout and record. But what it conjures up is fantastic, and that's what awash me.

I've consistently admired the banana band you drew on the aback of Between the Buttons. In it, there is a cheating guy who on one ancillary complains that the Stones aren't what they acclimated to be, afresh on the added says, "Hi, Mick! Adulation your latest." The affectation and fawning, it seems, goes all the way back, to 1967.
You overlook that, funnily enough. Well, Keith adeptness not [smiles]. I bethink accepting turfed out of hotels, because you had continued hair. Unbelievable, isn't it? I already went on anniversary with my wife to Corfu. We arrested into the best auberge and went to go admiral if the administrator said, "You can't go up there" – because of my hair. We backward in a little farmhouse, which was abundant nicer. But in this day and age, in this hotel, humans appear through the foreground aperture in tracksuits and assurance for their rooms. And I couldn't go up the stairs because my hair was an inch too long.

This adventure is from the September 22nd, 2005 affair of Rolling Stone.

From The Archives Affair 983: September 22, 2005

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